“How strange when an illusion dies. It’s as though you’ve lost a child.” Judy Garland #1. Achievement gives the illusion of success. Successful organizations experience daily victories at best. Play always continues tomorrow.… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (3 Illusions all Leaders Face and Successful Leaders [...]
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Expectations impact the quality of your team mates and your enjoyment of your leadership experience. Two questions: What do you expect of others? What do you expect of yourself? Expectation of rats: Robert… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (The Expectation Trap – On Rats and High [...]
Leer más »You can’t control everything, but you can control responses. Don’t give control to disappointments. How disappointment controls life: Disappointment controls life when you say, “I won’t bring my best because I’m disappointed.” I’ll… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (How to Live Up to Your Aspiration – Not Down to Your [...]
Leer más »47% of workers are thinking about quitting right now.* Why expend time and resources serving people if they’re going to move on in 4 years? #1. Turnover stings: The only time turnover doesn’t… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (Why Serve Employees When 47% are Thinking About Quitting Right [...]
Leer más »Part of me just wants to be left alone so I can do my work. But success requires positive relationships. Why positive work relationships matter: Shared knowledge. Mentoring and being mentored is relationship-based… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (How to Build Relationships that Maximize Performance at [...]
Leer más »Control freaks fear freedom. But treating people like robots never inspires. Control-freak-leaders deliver narrow results. Choices inspire ownerships and instill responsibility. Every decision you give someone communicates trust, confidence, and respect. Respect invites… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (Asking a Question Costs Less Than Having an [...]
Leer más »We stop at Dunkin when we travel, but with COVID the restrooms are closed and drive-thru is the only option. The line was out in traffic, but we stopped anyway. Mrs. Leadership Freak… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (A Moral Dilemma at [...]
Leer más »It’s heartbreaking to waste yourself on small rocks – things that matter less – while neglecting things that matter more. Stephen R. Covey taught leaders to put in the “Big Rock” first. It’s… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (Put in the Big Rocks: How to Do Things that Matter Most Before it’s too [...]
Leer más »Others handle day-to-day challenges. But the hot potato lands in your hands. Passing the buck in a high stress situation means you’ve reached your peak. But an aspiration to advance requires resolve to… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (High Stress to High Value: Handling Hot [...]
Leer más »A leader without purpose aimlessly jostles on well-worn paths. A leader with purpose climbs through the fog. Purpose pulls leaders into the future with courage and vitality. Purpose is: Light in the eyes.… Continue reading → Fuente: Leadership Freak (The First Step Toward a Compelling Reason for [...]
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