Métodos agiles y Valor Ganado. Referencias

Soy Iván Rivera, PMP

Soy fan de Starwars, disfruto la Ciencia Ficción y escribo sobre gestión de proyectos (o lo que se me ocurra). Puedes leer un poco sobre mi formación aquí.

Durante la pandemia debí enfrentar diferentes retos de los que supongo que hablaré alguna vez. 

Una consecuencia de esto es que el blog siguió abandonado. 

Ahora voy a retormarlo con este, el primero de varios ejercicios. 

Es una lugar común escuchar argumentos en contra del uso de valor ganado en metodologías ágiles.

Aquí Glenn B, Alleman proporciona una serie de referencias que sirven de argumento para desmostrar que son perfectamente compatibles.

Pongo el articulo completo para guardar las refencias.

Agile Project Management and Earned Value Management

March 14, 2023

The growing importance of quickly and affordably delivering software intensive systems requires programs to react to changing demands of the operational environment swiftly and has led to an increased focus on capability-based planning and iterative product development. Capability-based planning and execution focuses on delivering the highest priority system features to the stakeholders as quickly and affordably as possible. To meet this demand, Program Managers need a planning and execution method that can quickly and efficiently react to changes across all levels of the program.

An Industry Practice Guide for Agile on Earned Value Management Programs May 26, 2019, Version 1.3, National Defense Industrial Association Integrated Program Management Division

This compendium addresses the notion that Agile and Earned Value Management or any other formal program planning and controls process are incompatible.

This is not the case, nor has it ever been the case. As explained in Larman’s paper as the starting point for debunking this notion:

Supporting and expanding on this history can be found in the following materials used in the domain of Software Intensive System of Systems (SISoS).

Fuente: Iván Rivera PMP (Métodos agiles y Valor Ganado. Referencias).